Laboratory tests have not been successful with domestic seeds of cabbage variety "Nakhodka," tomato variety "Dubrava," beet variety "Egyptian flat," and pepper variety "Antoshka." They have shown low germination rates: for cabbage it was 28% against the minimum allowable 70%, for tomato – 55% against the norm of not less than 65%, for beet – 54% instead of the norm of not less than 60%, and for pepper – only 15% against the minimally required 60%.
Seed samples were sent to the laboratory by employees of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision for the Tver and Yaroslavl regions. The selection of samples for testing seed and varietal quality was carried out in trading points in the city of Torzhok.
Information about the registration of discrepancies with seeds to the standard GOST 32592-2013 "Seeds of vegetable, cucurbitaceous crops, fodder root crops, and fodder cabbage. Varietal and sowing qualities. General technical conditions" was transmitted to the supervisory authorities.