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Natural ways to combat the Colorado potato beetle: from wormwood jam to a tincture of bitter pepper and wood ash.
agricultural products

Natural ways to combat the Colorado potato beetle: from wormwood jam to a tincture of bitter pepper and wood ash.

The emergence of the Colorado beetle begins at the end of May, and its harmfulness increases in June.

To combat it, you can use "Actellic", "Decis", "IntaVir" or "Karate", as well as folk remedies: wormwood jam, tincture of bitter pepper, and wood ash.

22 May 2024 22 May 2024

The emergence of the Colorado beetle from its wintering sites begins in the last decade of May. The egg-laying phase starts from the second decade of June, and the active period of harmful activity begins from the third decade of June.

If you are faced with a massive invasion of larvae of this pest in your garden plot, you can use chemical preparations allowed in the territory of the Russian Federation for protection. Among them, you can find such preparations as "Actellic", "Decis", "IntaVir", and "Karate".

There are many folk remedies and methods to combat the Colorado beetle at various stages of its development. Here are some of the most effective ones:

- Wormwood jam. To prepare it, you need to grind 1 kg of slightly dried or 0.7-0.8 kg of dried wormwood collected during flowering. Then, this material should be boiled in a small amount of water for 20-30 minutes. The cooled infusion should be strained and diluted with water to a volume of 10 liters. It is recommended to treat potatoes in the evening.

- Infusion of bitter pepper. Boil 100 grams of bitter pepper pods in 10 liters of water for 2 hours. Then add 40-60 grams of grated household soap to the warm infusion. Mix thoroughly and treat plants in the evening.

- Wood ash. It can be used as dust, sprinkled on potato bushes, but a more effective solution would be ash-soap solution. Add 6-10 liters of boiled water to 1 kg of ash, let the mixture infuse for a day, strain it, and add 40 grams of grated household soap shavings. Mix thoroughly and treat plants again in the evening.

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