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На Кубани в 2023 году площадь сева риса составит 92 тысячи гектаров
Winter crops

На Кубани в 2023 году площадь сева риса составит 92 тысячи гектаров

The area of rice cultivation in the Krasnodar region will be maintained at the level of last year - 92 thousand hectares. This will allow for a harvest of 580-600 thousand tons and maintain stability in the food market.

21 April 2023 21 April 2023

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex, Food and the Consumer Market of the ZSK Sergey Orlenko, representatives of rice farms, industry associations and scientists.

- This year, the area under rice sowing will remain at the level of last year - 92,000 hectares. In connection with the restoration work at the Fedorovsky hydroelectric complex, farmers will be able to carry it out as usual. This will make it possible to obtain a harvest of 580-600 thousand tons and, as a result, maintain stability in the food market,” Andriy Korobka said.

The Deputy Governor emphasized that today there is enough rice on the Russian market and there are no prerequisites for a shortage. The factories are steadily working on the production of cereals.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the region Mikhail Timofeev, in turn, noted that farmers are 100% provided with seeds.

– All seeds of domestic selection. Mineral fertilizers are almost in full. The necessary equipment is also ready, in the sowing campaign we plan to use about 945 units for pre-sowing tillage and 225 for sowing, the deputy minister said.

The Krasnodar Territory is the main producing region of raw rice and rice groats in the country. In 2022, taking into account the reduction in area to 92 thousand hectares or 22% due to the accident at the Fedorovsky hydroelectric complex, the gross rice harvest amounted to 582.5 thousand tons in test weight or 60% of the total Russian crop.

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