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Квота на импорт риса из Вьетнама в Россию вырастет на 1,6%, Белоруссия сократит квоту на 0,6% к 2025 году.
Winter crops

Квота на импорт риса из Вьетнама в Россию вырастет на 1,6%, Белоруссия сократит квоту на 0,6% к 2025 году.

The quota for rice import from Vietnam to Russia in 2025 will increase by 1.6%, while Belarus will reduce its quota by 0.6%. Russia will receive 7403 tons (compared to 7288 tons), Belarus - 2447 tons (compared to 2462 tons), Armenia - 150 tons (compared to 250 tons). The total quota is 10 thousand tons.

28 June 2024 28 June 2024

According to a message from Finmarket, the quota for rice imports from Vietnam to Russia in 2025 may increase by 1.6% compared to the current year, while Belarus may decrease its quota by 0.6%.

According to the proposal published on the Eurasian Economic Commission website, the quota size for Russia will be 7,403 tons, which is more than the current 7,288 tons. Belarus, on the other hand, may have a quota of 2,447 tons, which is less than today's 2,462 tons.

Armenia's quota, as proposed, will be 150 tons, while the current quota is 250 tons. Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan do not import rice from Vietnam under this quota.

The total quota volume is 10 thousand tons. It should be noted that this applies only to long-grain rice, as it is practically not produced in Russia.

The establishment of a quota for duty-free rice imports into the Eurasian Economic Union countries was provided for by the Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam signed on May 29, 2015.

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