On December 11, 2024, the following quotes were registered:
- Corn quotes at CBOT Exchange (Chicago) decreased by 2.50 ¢/bsh (0.57%), reaching 438.00 ¢/bsh (the quotes were 440.50 ¢/bsh in the previous session).
- Soft red winter wheat quotes (SRW) at CBOT Exchange (Chicago) increased by 1.50 ¢/bsh (0.28%) and reached 543.50 ¢/bsh (previous quotes were 542.00 ¢/bsh).
- Hard red winter wheat quotes (HRW) at KCBT Exchange (Kansas) increased by 1.50 ¢/bsh (0.27%), reaching 550.75 ¢/bsh (previous quotes were 549.25 ¢/bsh).
- Hard red spring wheat quotes (HRS) at MGE Exchange (Minneapolis) remained unchanged at 582.25 ¢/bsh (previous quotes were also 582.25 ¢/bsh).
- Oats quotes at CBOT Exchange (Chicago) increased by 3.50 ¢/bsh (1.06%) and reached 334.75 ¢/bsh (previous quotes were 331.25 ¢/bsh).
- Rough rice quotes at CBOT Exchange (Chicago) decreased by 0.06 usd/cwt (0.40%) and amounted to 15.03 usd/cwt (previous quotes were 15.09 usd/cwt).
Grain exchange rates on December 11, 2024
Commodity | Month | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Change | Volume | Open Interest | Change |
Corn (CBOT) | Dec24 | 241211 | 440.00 | 443.25 | 437.75 | 438.00 | -2.50 | 1586 | 1603 | -1066 |
Wheat (CBOT) | Dec24 | 241211 | 544.00 | 552.50 | 543.50 | 543.50 | +1.50 | 10 | 42 | -4 |
Wheat (KCBT) | Dec24 | 241211 | 559.00 | 559.50 | 550.75 | 550.75 | +1.50 | 17 | 69 | -14 |
Wheat (MGE) | Dec24 | 241211 | 582.25 | 582.25 | 582.25 | 582.25 | 0 | 3 | 2 | -1 |
Oats (CBOT) | Dec24 | 241211 | 334.75 | 334.75 | 334.75 | 334.75 | +3.50 | 5 | 0 | -5 |
Rough Rice (CBOT) | Jan25 | 241211 | 15.08 | 15.13 | 15.01 | 15.03 | -0.06 | 806 | 7531 | -460 |