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Export of flour from Russia is growing: it is already close to the level of last year, as announced at the "Golden Autumn" exhibition.
Winter crops

Export of flour from Russia is growing: it is already close to the level of last year, as announced at the "Golden Autumn" exhibition.

In 2024, flour exports from Russia reached 980 thousand tons, approaching the level for the entire 2023. Significant growth is also observed in bran and cereals. The main export product is grain. Traditional buyers are located in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. 32% of grain exports are accounted for by Middle Eastern countries.

12 October 2024 12 October 2024

Since the beginning of 2024, the export of flour from Russia has reached 980 thousand tons, which is close to the level for the entire 2023. This information was presented at the Russian agro-industrial exhibition "Golden Autumn" by Olga Zakharova, Head of the Department of Internal Phytosanitary and Land Supervision, Grain Quality and Safety Control at the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor), reports TASS.

"Shipments of flour have tripled in 2023, and this year, by the beginning of October, we have almost reached the same volumes as for the entire previous year. A similar situation is observed with bran. Cereals are also increasing their export volumes," Zakharova said.

According to the data presented, the export of flour from Russia amounted to 980 thousand tons in 2024, the export of bran - 1.625 million tons, the export of cereals - 244 thousand tons.

The materials also indicate that in 2023, the export of flour amounted to 1 million tons, bran - 1.671 million tons, cereals - 255 thousand tons.

However, as noted by Zakharova, the main export commodity is grain. "Looking at 2023, we reached a volume of 83.5 million tons of grain and grain products, including processing and oilseeds. This year, according to our information system, phytosanitary certificates were issued for a total volume of 67.5 million tons of grain and grain products. Traditionally, our main buyers are located in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America," she said.

According to the presentation, countries in the Middle East account for 32% of grain exports, of which about 20 million tons of products were sent, including 13.1 million tons of wheat, 3 million tons of barley, 1.8 million tons of corn, 1 million tons of bran, and 0.7 million tons of meal.

Zakharova also noted that supplies to Indonesia and Vietnam have been resumed.

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