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Experts have discovered a pest posing a threat to hundreds of plant species in greenhouse production: what insect is this?
agricultural products

Experts have discovered a pest posing a threat to hundreds of plant species in greenhouse production: what insect is this?

Experts have reported about an insect pest - the meadow moth, causing damage to 200 plants, including 30 crops. The caterpillars migrate over long distances, threatening agriculture. The caterpillars found have been handed over to the management of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor).

14 October 2024 14 October 2024

According to experts, the Crambid Snout Moth (Loxostege sticticalis) is not considered a quarantine pest, but it poses one of the most dangerous threats among insects feeding on various plants. This insect causes damage to around 200 plant species, including 30 agricultural crops.

The high level of harmfulness of the Crambid Snout Moth is explained by its ability to rapidly reproduce and spread in suitable climatic conditions, as well as by the extreme voracity of its caterpillars, which exceeds that of locusts several times over.

Adult individuals actively migrate up to 25 km in search of flowering plants necessary for additional nutrition before laying eggs. Passive dispersal can occur thanks to strong air currents over distances of up to 1000 km. The active spread of the pest is carried out through the migration of caterpillars, which can roll down even on small slopes and quickly move across flat terrain.

Studies were conducted as part of paid services. The amount of floral production amounted to about 60 thousand units. Information about the detection of the dangerous pest was promptly reported to the Southern Interregional Administration of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision for appropriate measures to be taken.

Source and photo: FGAU "VNIIZZH".

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