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Bashkortostan actively develops domestic seed production and exports agricultural products using innovations.
agricultural products

Bashkortostan actively develops domestic seed production and exports agricultural products using innovations.

The Minister of Agriculture of Bashkortostan has announced the replacement of imports in the seed production sector and the increase in agricultural exports. Within the framework of the event, the first agricultural drone created in Bashkortostan was demonstrated. It is planned to produce hundreds of such drones annually.

28 July 2024 28 July 2024

Minister of Agriculture of Bashkortostan, Ilschat Fazrakhmanov, emphasized that active work is underway in the republic to replace imports in the seed industry in accordance with the tasks of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Also, work is being done to introduce new technologies, increase warehouse capacities for storing grain, oilseeds, and technical crops, as well as to increase the export of agricultural products.

Participants of the event were presented with experimental plots with various high-yielding varieties of cereals, legumes, and technical crops. They also visited under-construction and already operational seed cleaning complexes at the farm of Gabdrakhmanov G.B. and the agricultural enterprise "Voskhod."

The seminar was attended by representatives of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and the company "Aviation Technologies and Complexes" of the Union State. They demonstrated the work of the first agricultural drone assembled in Bashkortostan.

"In Bashkortostan and Belarus, numerous joint projects in the field of agriculture and industry are traditionally being implemented," said Yuri Leonovets, CEO of Aviation Technologies and Complexes JSC. "One of such joint brands that has already emerged is agricultural drones. This project was included in the joint cooperation program of our countries and republics."

The experimental site of the plant, which was opened last year within the framework of the Regions Forum, has already successfully passed tests over the year. Although the production is based on developments by Belarusian specialists, the final product will be different. It is planned to produce hundreds of agricultural drones annually.

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