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"Agrocomplex" named after N.I. Tkachev has harvested a record crop of winter wheat in the south - over 2 million tons of grain.
Winter crops

"Agrocomplex" named after N.I. Tkachev has harvested a record crop of winter wheat in the south - over 2 million tons of grain.

Corporation "Agrokomplex" by N. I. Tkachev harvested 2.3 million tons of grain from 487 thousand hectares. The harvest began two weeks earlier due to warm weather.

Yield: wheat - 49.7 c/ha, barley - 80 c/ha. The impact of drought and May frosts affected the grain yield in the Rostov Region and Krasnodar Territory.

30 July 2024 30 July 2024

The corporation "Agrokomplex" named after N.I. Tkachev announced the results of the harvest season, where 2.3 million tons of cereals and leguminous crops were collected. This number includes more than 2 million tons of winter wheat. The total area of ​​fields sown with agricultural crops this year was 487 thousand hectares, including 429 thousand hectares of winter wheat, according to information provided by

Due to unusually warm weather in March and April, as well as an early arrival of spring, the harvesting campaign started two weeks earlier than usual. The company notes that thanks to the dry and hot climate, the harvesting process proceeded at an accelerated pace.

The average yield of winter wheat was 49.7 centners per hectare, winter barley - 80 centners per hectare, peas - 18.5 centners per hectare, winter rapeseed - 28.8 centners per hectare. The highest crop yields were achieved by farms of the "Center" division, such as the enterprise named after I.I. Garmash (75.8 centners/ha), the enterprise named after I.P. Revko (74.6 centners/ha), "Leninsky Put" (73.7 centners/ha), and others.

It is reported that the grain quality this year is at average levels for many years. About half of the harvested grain is food wheat. However, the yield turned out to be slightly lower than expected at the beginning of spring. Most sown areas suffered from drought and May frosts, which significantly affected cereals and peas in the enterprises of the Rostov region and the northern regions of the Krasnodar region. Nevertheless, the employees of "Agrokomplex" demonstrated excellent results and did everything possible to achieve the maximum harvest in challenging conditions, emphasized the director of plant growing Savva Shevel.

Altogether, about 9.5 thousand employees of "Agrokomplex" took part in the harvesting campaign in the South. Around 800 combines and one and a half thousand vehicles worked in the fields daily.


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