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The Agrarian Council of the Kaliningrad Region is increasing the production and export of agricultural products in 2024.
agricultural products

The Agrarian Council of the Kaliningrad Region is increasing the production and export of agricultural products in 2024.

The traditional meeting of the Agrarian Council of the Kaliningrad region, chaired by Governor Alikhanov, discussed the results of the past year, the prospects for the current season, and the beginning of spring work in the fields. It is important to emphasize the growth of agricultural production and exports, planned sowing areas for 2024, and investment projects.

12 March 2024 12 March 2024
The traditional meeting of the Agricultural Council of the Kaliningrad region was held under the chairmanship of Governor Anton Alihanov on March 6. The meeting discussed the results of the past year, the prospects for the current season, and the current issues related to the start of spring field work, restoration of the reclamation system, and ensuring the region's food security. For the past year 2023, the following key indicators were achieved in the agricultural complex of the Kaliningrad region: the volume of agricultural production increased by 2.4%, the growth of food production was 3.4%, the population became fully self-sufficient in whole milk, meat, meat products, and potatoes. The export of agricultural products increased by 20% and reached 1.9 billion dollars. The Minister of Agriculture of the region, Artem Ivanov, noted that thanks to the attention from the country's leadership and close cooperation with the region's agricultural community, the agro-industrial complex demonstrates sustainable technological development, a high level of self-sufficiency, and the preservation of active investments. He explained that according to experts' forecasts, spring will arrive earlier this year, which may lead to a 15-day shift in field work compared to the usual long-term average. The planned sowing area for 2024 in the region is 304.7 thousand hectares, with 147 thousand hectares of winter crops sown for the new harvest, which is 9% more than in 2023, and 86 thousand hectares allocated for spring sowing. Grain and legume crops account for the largest share among all farm categories at 42% of the total sown area. Overall, the plan is to maintain the pace of development of the agricultural complex and increase production volumes within investment projects. In the medium term, investments in the industry will exceed 60 billion rubles, Artem Ivanov reported.
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