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Russian market - Cereals

Current information on the topic Russian market - Cereals on

Volgograd region will increase the area of the second sowing after the loss of crops due to frosts by 190.7 thousand hectares. `
Fighting locusts in Tajikistan: innovative methods and drones offer a new solution for preserving crops. `
Как оценить повреждение растений и повысить урожайность `
The cleaning campaign in the Krasnodar Territory will start two weeks earlier due to the rapid development of winter crops. `
Vladimir Vladimirov checked the crops of proactive breeders in the Stavropol region, aiming for the region's self-sufficiency with its own seeds. `
Почему листья помидоров скручиваются вниз `
Россия планирует экспортировать рекордные 62,8 млн тонн зерна за сельхозгод: как это отразится на мировом рынке? `
A large batch of fresh fruits and vegetables from Central Asian countries has arrived in Chelyabinsk for inspection before being sold. `
Почему листья помидоров скручиваются вверх в теплице: причины и решения `
Grupo Bimbo and CIMMyT are implementing regenerative farming methods in Mexico, increasing crop yields and economic efficiency. `
Russia is preparing for a drought: The forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center for May describes a deterioration of agrometeorological conditions. `
Sold 17 wheat contracts on grain exchanges in Russia: total volume 4165 tons, average price 16914 rubles per ton `
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