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Stocks of wheat in Kazakhstan are 3.2 million tons higher than last year
agricultural products

Stocks of wheat in Kazakhstan are 3.2 million tons higher than last year

Kazakhstan's wheat stocks as of June 1, 2023, amounted to 6.64 million tonnes (compared to 3.44 million tonnes a year ago). Compared to May 2023, the stocks decreased by 2.2 million tonnes. In total, the availability of grains and legumes in the Republic by the beginning of June amounted to 8.07 million tonnes.

14 June 2023 14 June 2023

By June 1, 2023, wheat stocks in Kazakhstan amounted to 6.64 million tons (against 3.44 million tons at the same date last year). This was reported by APK-Inform with reference to the data of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Compared to May this year. wheat stocks decreased by 2.2 million tons.

In general, in the Republic by the beginning of June of this year. the presence of 8.07 million tons of grain and leguminous crops was recorded.

In particular, the reserves of barley amount to 1.01 million tons, rye 25 thousand tons, oats 87 thousand tons.

Stocks of corn fell to 97,000 tons, buckwheat - to 39,000 tons, millet - to 6,000 tons, rice - to 78,000 tons.

As APK-Inform previously reported, Kazakhstani exporters are concerned about large carry-over grain stocks in the Republic. According to the estimates of the National Association of Exporters "KazGrain", ending stocks may amount to about 3 million tons, which is 1 million tons higher than the average annual level and will negatively affect prices.

Recall that in Kazakhstan, the decline in prices for wheat continues. One of the factors is high ending stocks of grain.

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