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2.1 thousand tons of malting barley were threshed in the Kursk region
agricultural products

2.1 thousand tons of malting barley were threshed in the Kursk region

The Kursk branch of the "Grain Quality Assessment Center" studied 1.8 tons of brewing barley. Already threshed 2.1 tons of new harvest.

4 August 2023 4 August 2023

The Kursk branch of the "Center for Grain Quality Assessment" examined 1.8 thousand tons of malting barley for 6 months. As of July 28, 2.1 thousand tons of new crop have already been harvested in the region.

A special technology is used to grow malting barley. This allows you to get grain with the necessary characteristics. Cereal culture is widely used in agriculture, food, textile and paint and varnish industries. But it plays a dominant role in the production of beer.

- The suitability of grain for brewing is determined by quality indicators. Organoleptic, physiological, chemical and mechanical characteristics are evaluated. There are two classes. The class-forming indicators include color, the presence of grain impurities, the number of small grains, fineness, and the ability to germinate. In addition, malting barley is examined for general indicators for two classes: smell, moisture, mass fraction of protein, viability, - explained Elena Kolmogorova, director of the Kursk branch of the Center for Grain Quality Assessment.

If we talk about usefulness, barley grains are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. Vitamin B1, magnesium and potassium are of particular benefit. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The product contains manganese, selenium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper and calcium. These elements have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, the department said.

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