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Increase in wheat sown area in Armenia by 15 thousand hectares in 2023
agricultural products

Increase in wheat sown area in Armenia by 15 thousand hectares in 2023

Pashinyan called for the development of agriculture to ensure food security, create jobs, and improve the economic situation of rural residents. He urged the government and businesses to actively invest in this sector and support grape growers and grape processors. Pashinyan emphasized the priority of agricultural development and called on all interested parties to actively participate in this process.

23 December 2023 23 December 2023

Pashinyan also noted that it is necessary to develop agriculture not only to ensure food security, but also to create jobs and improve the economic situation of rural residents. He emphasized that agriculture should become one of the main sectors of the country's economy and called on the government and business community to actively invest in this area.

The Prime Minister also noted that within the framework of the investment program for agricultural raw materials, applications for significant amounts were approved, which indicates the interest of business in the development of agriculture. He expressed hope that these investments will help increase agricultural production and make Armenia an export-oriented country.

Pashinyan also emphasized the importance of supporting winegrowers and grape processors, noting that viticulture is one of the important branches of agriculture in Armenia. He expressed hope that subsidies for the purchase of grapes will help develop this industry and increase the production of grape alcohol.

In general, Pashinyan emphasized that the development of agriculture is a priority for the Armenian government and called on all interested parties to actively participate in this process.

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