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The grain harvest in Bashkortostan in 2024 is expected to be around 3.1 million tonnes, despite unfavorable weather conditions.
Winter crops

The grain harvest in Bashkortostan in 2024 is expected to be around 3.1 million tonnes, despite unfavorable weather conditions.

The acting deputy prime minister of Bashkortostan predicts a grain harvest at the level of 3.1 million tons due to soil overmoistening. Over 70 million rubles have been compensated to the affected, with the damage from overmoistening estimated at 3 billion rubles. A total of 447.5 thousand hectares of crops have been affected.

10 October 2024 10 October 2024

According to the Acting Deputy Prime Minister of the regional government, Ilskhat Fazrakhmanov, the gross harvest of grains and leguminous crops in Bashkortostan in the 2024 season is expected to be around 3.1 million tons. This information is reported by the news agency "Interfax".

He noted that this year the grain harvest will be lower than expected due to soil overmoistening caused by two months of rain. However, despite this, the amount of harvested grain will exceed 3.1 million tons.

Fazrakhmanov also mentioned that at the beginning of the sowing season, experts predicted favorable conditions for the production of 5 million tons of grain, but the situation has changed.

Additionally, this year farmers insured more than 20% of the sown areas. Fazrakhmanov also stated that insurance companies have started to pay compensations to affected enterprises, with the total amount of payments exceeding 70 million rubles.

In August, the authorities of Bashkortostan declared a state of emergency due to soil overmoistening caused by heavy rains. The state of emergency was in effect across the entire region and the town of Kumertau until September 11. Almost all meteorological stations in the republic recorded dangerous overmoistening of the soil.

As a result of the overmoistening, crops in 373 farms of the region were affected, with the total area of the affected crops reaching 447.5 thousand hectares, out of which 179 thousand hectares were completely destroyed. The damage to agricultural producers in Bashkortostan is estimated at around 3 billion rubles.

The total area of sown crops for the 2024 harvest was 2.2 million hectares, including 1.3 million hectares of grains and leguminous crops, and 380 thousand hectares of winter cereals.

In the previous 2023 season, the grain harvest in Bashkortostan amounted to 3.235 million tons.

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