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Ukraine in 2023: leadership in the supply of agricultural products to the EU continues
agricultural products

Ukraine in 2023: leadership in the supply of agricultural products to the EU continues

Ukraine has increased agricultural product exports to the EU by 11% over the past 9 months and remains in third place among the largest suppliers of agricultural products to the European Union. The volume of Ukrainian agricultural exports to the EU amounted to 8.75 billion euros for January-September 2023. Ukraine has also increased its import of agricultural products from the EU by 19% to 2.505 billion euros.

23 December 2023 23 December 2023

In the first nine months of this year. Ukraine increased supplies of agricultural products to the EU by 11% compared to the same period a year earlier and remains in third position among the largest suppliers of agricultural products to the European Union. This is stated in the December report of the European Commission on EU agricultural trade.

“Imports from Ukraine showed the largest increase from January to September compared to 2022 - by 891 million euros (or 11%), mainly due to higher imports of grain crops. At the same time, EU imports from Ukraine were below 2022 levels starting in June, but almost returned to 2021 levels in September this year,” the report said.

In absolute terms, the volume of Ukrainian agricultural exports to the EU in the period from January to September 2023 amounted to 8.75 billion euros. Among the largest exporters of agricultural products to the EU, Ukraine is second only to Brazil and the UK.

“During the same period, Ukraine imported agricultural products from the EU worth 2.505 billion euros, which is 19% more than during the same period in 2022. Among the most important areas of European agricultural exports, Ukraine occupies 14th position (1% of total EU agricultural exports ),” the report notes.

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