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Regular irrigation increases potato yield by 70% - new research from Kazan State Agrarian University.
agricultural products

Regular irrigation increases potato yield by 70% - new research from Kazan State Agrarian University.

Soybean harvest in Brazil in 2024 may decrease by 4% due to adverse weather conditions. The establishment of a unified fuel supply operator for farmers in Russia contributes to the development of agriculture. Senators have supported the introduction of fines for improper handling of animal waste.

19 April 2024 19 April 2024

Soybean harvest in Brazil in 2024 may decrease by 4%

This year, soybean production in Brazil may decrease by 4% from the level of the previous year to nearly 153.8 million tons. This was reported by OleoScope, citing forecasts from analysts from the National Association of Vegetable Oil Producers (Abiove). A record result was set last year, but this year there has been a deterioration in performance due to unfavorable weather conditions for soy cultivation. This may lead to a reduction in soybean exports and processing, requiring appropriate measures to ensure market stability and supply diversity. Soybean harvest is one of the key factors in Brazil's agricultural economy, so any changes in its indicators can have a significant impact on the market and the country's economy.

Russia plans to create a unified fuel supply operator for farmers

Russian agencies in the fuel market are discussing the possibility of creating a unified fuel supply operator for agricultural organizations. The plan is based on the experience of the "Republican Agro-Industrial Investment and Innovation Center" in the Republic of Tatarstan, which provides loans to agricultural producers and supplies fuel, mineral fertilizers, and other materials for agriculture. Establishing a unified fuel supply operator will contribute to stability and development of agriculture in Russia by providing farmers with reliable supplies of necessary resources.

Senators supported the introduction of fines for improper handling of animal waste

At the last meeting of the Federation Council, a decision was made to introduce large fines and other punitive measures for non-compliance with requirements for handling by-products of livestock farming. Manure, dung, liquid waste, and bedding are considered such products. The lack of necessary infrastructure and documentation will also be perceived as a violation. Violations of the requirements may result in fines for officials ranging from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles, for individual entrepreneurs from 50,000 to 60,000 rubles or suspension of activities for 90 days, and for organizations and legal entities from 250,000 to 350,000 rubles or suspension of activities for 90 days. The law also provides for fines for repeated violations, as well as for causing harm to human health and the environment. The new punitive measures will apply to cases where livestock farming by-products are used in agricultural production.

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