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The production of dairy equipment in Russia is expected to increase to 4 billion rubles by 2024, according to the forecast of the "Rosspetsmash" association.
agricultural products

The production of dairy equipment in Russia is expected to increase to 4 billion rubles by 2024, according to the forecast of the "Rosspetsmash" association.

The production of dairy equipment in Russia is planned to increase from 3.7 billion rubles in 2023 to 4 billion rubles in 2024. Russian companies are ready to replace foreign equipment, invest in the development of production, and build new manufacturing facilities.

21 March 2024 21 March 2024

In Russia, the production of dairy equipment, including milking equipment, equipment for milk processing and processing, dairy separators, excluding packaging and labeling equipment, is expected to increase from 3.7 billion rubles in 2023 to 4 billion rubles in 2024. Such a forecast is made by the association "Rosspecmash."

"Overall, Russian enterprises are ready to replace foreign equipment. Most domestic manufacturers constantly invest in the development of production," experts believe. Some companies are implementing comprehensive projects related to the construction of new production facilities. In 2023, the company "Protemol" (Vologda) opened a new production facility covering an area of 6.8 thousand square meters. In 2024, the "Kazaro" factory (Yaroslavl) plans to launch new production workshops.

"During 2022, domestic manufacturers resolved issues with materials and components for equipment production. In some cases, components were produced using their own capabilities, in other cases, an internal manufacturer was found in the country or mechanisms of parallel import from Asian countries were used," according to Rosspecmash.

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