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Продимекс произвел более 1,4 млн тонн сахара за сезон, 800 тыс тонн в Воронежской области, в том числе 100 тыс тонн Экстра.
agricultural products

Продимекс произвел более 1,4 млн тонн сахара за сезон, 800 тыс тонн в Воронежской области, в том числе 100 тыс тонн Экстра.

The company "Prodimeks" has produced over 1.4 million tons of sugar this season, with 800 thousand tons of sugar being produced in the Voronezh region.

Additionally, over 400 thousand tons of sugar beet pulp were produced, with 200 thousand tons of it in this region.

11 May 2024 11 May 2024

During the past season, a group of companies called "Prodimex" produced over 1.4 million tons of sugar. Out of this total volume, about 800 thousand tons were produced at plants located in the Voronezh region. It is important to note that in the same region, over 100 thousand tons of high-quality sugar, corresponding to the "Extra" category, were produced.

In addition to sugar, the company started producing over 400 thousand tons of granulated sugar beet pulp. Out of this volume, more than 200 thousand tons were attributed to the Voronezh region.

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