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Prospects for the oil and fat industry in Africa
agricultural products

Prospects for the oil and fat industry in Africa

Russia is increasing its oil exports to Africa.

31 July 2023 31 July 2023

One of the main topics of the Russia-Africa forum was the export of Russian food to the "black continent". We asked the profile expert, executive director of the Oil and Fat Union Mikhail Maltsev about the prospects for the oil and fat industry in our traditional Blitz column.

- How much oil does Russia export to Africa? What kind of oil do we supply and how has the dynamics changed in the last few years?

- Over the past few years, the volume of export of vegetable oils to African countries has been constantly growing, in the first half of 2023 we exported 41% more than in the same period last year. If the pace of exports continues, then by the end of the year we will be able to sell more than 800 thousand tons. More than half of this volume - 57% falls on sunflower oil, another 43% - on soybean. Now the share of African countries accounts for more than 14% of the total exports of domestic oils.

- Who are our main partners on the African continent, how actively are new markets opening and what are the plans of suppliers for the future?

- The main importers of vegetable oils are Egypt, Algeria, Sudan and Tunisia, they account for 90% of exports of Russian vegetable oils. The expansion of the geography of deliveries and the increase in export volumes are constrained by the solvency problems of most states on the African continent.

- In connection with the Western confrontation, what specific difficulties are experienced by Russian suppliers of fat and oil products to Africa?

- Difficulties are similar to those in almost all export directions: difficulties with the passage of payments and logistical problems.

- If we talk about the supply of oilseeds, is it interesting for African countries or are they more actively buying finished products? How many oilseeds (if there is data) go there?

- The export of oilseeds from Russia is limited by duties that protect and stimulate the processing of raw materials within the country. The exception is oilseed flax, its export volumes are minimal - at the level of 7-8 thousand tons per year, 90% of this volume is purchased by Egypt.

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