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The rules for the ban on the import of agricultural seeds to Russia have been determined
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agricultural products

The rules for the ban on the import of agricultural seeds to Russia have been determined

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has approved the procedure for restricting the import of seeds into the territory of Russia. Restrictions will not be imposed for scientific purposes and expertise. New requirements will be introduced in case of three or more violations of the rules within a year.

8 June 2023 8 June 2023

The document will come into force on September 1, 2023
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation by order No. 527 (.pdf) approved the procedure for introducing temporary restrictions on the import of seeds of agricultural plants into the territory of Russia and establishing additional requirements for indicators of varietal and sowing qualities of these products imported into the country.

The Rosselkhoznadzor will make a decision to restrict imports in cases where information is received about the production in a foreign state of genetically modified plants that threaten the biological safety of the Russian Federation, the text of the document says.

Additional requirements for indicators of varietal and sowing (planting) qualities of seeds will be introduced if the same organization, when supplying seeds from the territory of the same state, violates the rules three times or more per year.

An exception is made for the import of seeds for scientific purposes and for examination - here restrictions will not be introduced.

The ban rules for GMO seeds are part of the regulatory framework of the Federal Law “On Seed Production”, which comes into force on September 1, 2023. Earlier, Russian Government Decree No. 817 approved the rules for auditing foreign laboratories for testing seeds of agricultural plants accredited by ILAC and APAC, and Russian Government Decree No. 532 approved the procedure for monitoring the import of imported seeds of agricultural plants.

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