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The company "Damate" has improved its production: new equipment for grain quality control has been installed.
agricultural products

The company "Damate" has improved its production: new equipment for grain quality control has been installed.

In the Rostov region, a new laboratory equipment provided by "Damate" company has been installed at a compound feed plant. This equipment allows to increase the speed and quality of grain control. It provides fast sampling with excellent functional capabilities and automatic sample separation. The innovation helps to speed up processes and improve the quality of the final product.

26 April 2024 26 April 2024

New equipment has been installed in the grain raw material control laboratory.

The Damate company of the group of companies has introduced new laboratory equipment at the mixed feed plant in the Rostov Region, which is part of the turkey production complex. This has significantly increased the speed of raw material reception and improved its quality control. The total cost of equipment installation amounted to 3.8 million rubles.

The new equipment has been installed in the laboratory where the incoming control of grain raw materials is carried out. It is an automatic sampler capable of promptly collecting samples from various types of transport. Thanks to the new equipment, the time spent on this operation has been reduced from 30 to 5 minutes. Automatic sampling is carried out at the entire height of the bulk material, sampling points are selected by the operator, which eliminates mixing different types of raw materials in one vehicle. The functional capabilities of the sampler also minimize the contact of feed raw materials with the external environment during sampling.

"Damate company had initially planned systematic and phased development of complexes for turkey and duck meat production," said Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region - Minister of Agriculture and Food Konstantin Rachalovsky. "Self-sufficiency in feed is extremely important both from an economic and epizootic point of view for the enterprise. This affects the growth of meat production in the region. We note that in the first quarter of 2024, the poultry population in the Don region reached 104% compared to the same period last year, and meat production increased by almost 12%."

After sampling, the raw material goes to an automatic divider, also installed in the laboratory. It separates the sampled sample into several specimens for further testing. The laboratory analyzes incoming raw materials in the shortest possible time in order to divide it into batches and ensure uninterrupted feed production.

It is worth reminding that the capacity of the modernized Damate mixed feed plant is 186 thousand tons per year. It is part of the turkey production complex. In the region, there are also incubators, poultry farms for growing, feeding, and parent flocks, as well as a turkey processing plant.

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