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State monitoring of grain and oilseeds in 2023 is carried out according to a simplified scheme
agricultural products

State monitoring of grain and oilseeds in 2023 is carried out according to a simplified scheme

In 2023, state monitoring is simplified for grain, legume, and oilseed crops. However, the procedure for forming grain batches and documenting remains unchanged.

6 July 2023 6 July 2023

In 2023, state monitoring is carried out according to a simplified scheme for all crops that belong to grains, legumes and oilseeds. Mikhail Kopeikin, head of the department for the operation of the grain traceability system of the Agroanalytics Center, told the magazine pole.rf about this.

     “However, the procedure for the formation of batches of grain and the registration of SDIZ in the FSIS “Zerno” remains unchanged,” he said.

The agricultural producer, just as in 2022, enters information about the harvested crop into the system, then forms a batch at harvest, then draws up shipping documents, for example, SDIZ for sale or transportation.

     “When submitting information about the harvested crop, it is not necessary to contact the laboratory, the requirements for consumer properties remain the same as when registering a batch of grain, in accordance with paragraph 34 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2021 No. 1722,” Kopeikin noted.

According to him, for additional clarifications on the procedure for state monitoring in 2023, it is necessary to contact organizations authorized to conduct state monitoring.

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