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GK Rusagro successfully copes with May frosts in Russia, continues reseeding affected crops.

GK Rusagro successfully copes with May frosts in Russia, continues reseeding affected crops.

May frosts did not affect the activities of the company "Rusagro." Alexander Tarasov stated that the company successfully replants the affected crops. Regional authorities are assessing the damage and will replant the dying crops. Meteorologists warned about frosts and unfavorable weather conditions.

15 May 2024 15 May 2024

In Russia, the May frosts did not have a significant impact on the activities of Rusagro Group. The company successfully conducts reseeding for affected crops. This was stated by Alexander Tarasov, the company's director of corporate development, during a webinar with investors.

"Yes, we are facing a situation that we observe through the windows in the Tambov region and other regions where we operate. However, we do not see a significant impact on our business. It is only a small percentage that does not have a substantial impact on our reseeding volume. In any case, we manage to reseed for the affected percentages of sowings. In short, we have no material damage," Tarasov explained.

"We do not expect a decrease in volumes, as the problem we observe is insignificant. Moreover, we will carry out reseeding," added Anna Stafeeva, the company's financial director.

Earlier, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture reported that regional agricultural management authorities have started assessing the extent of damage from the frosts, and the lost sowings will be replanted if all necessary resources are available.

About the frost situation

The company's director of corporate development, Alexander Tarasov, stated that the company manages to reseed the affected crops.

Earlier, information appeared on the websites of regional emergency management departments and local hydrometeorological centers about the meteorologists' forecast for frosts of -1 to -6 degrees Celsius during the night of May 3 and 4 in several regions of the Central Federal District (CFD), including Lipetsk, Kostroma, and Tambov regions.

Meteorologists also forecasted thunderstorms and wet snow from May 7 to 10 in several regions of the CFD, including Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol, Tambov, and Tula regions.

On May 8, a state of emergency was declared in the agricultural sector in the Tambov region due to frosts that led to the death of agricultural crops and damage to perennial plantations. Emergency states were also introduced in the Lipetsk and Voronezh regions due to the frosts.

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