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Export of corn and soybeans from Primorsky Krai to Europe and Georgia
agricultural products

Export of corn and soybeans from Primorsky Krai to Europe and Georgia

Agricultural producers from Primorsky Krai have started exporting corn to Europe, Georgia, and plan to supply to the United States. China has shown particular interest in the products of the Primorsky region. Previously, the region suffered from heavy rains and typhoons. Agricultural losses amounted to about 1.6 billion rubles. In 2023, 366 thousand tons of soybeans were harvested, which is 26.8% less than last year. Despite this, the export of products is expected to exceed 1.9 billion dollars.

29 January 2024 29 January 2024

Agricultural producers in the Primorsky Territory began exporting corn to Europe and Georgia for the first time in 2023, and also plan to begin supplies to the United States. This was announced by the Minister of Agriculture of the region Andrei Bronts.

China is showing particular interest in the products of the Primorsky Territory, which notes the high quality of grain and soybeans without GMOs. In addition, supplies of corn were established to some European countries and Georgia, and the products successfully passed all the necessary food requirements for supplies to the United States, Bronz noted.

Previously, it was reported about significant losses in agriculture in the Primorsky Territory due to heavy rains and typhoons that hit the region in August. About 40 thousand hectares of rural land were damaged, of which 32.5 thousand hectares were sown with soybeans, the main export crop of the region. The damage amounted to about 1.6 billion rubles. Documents for compensation of losses were sent to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

In 2023, 366 thousand tons of soybeans were harvested, which is 26.8% less than in the previous year. However, despite this, exports of agricultural products from Primorye within the framework of the national project “International Cooperation and Export” should exceed $1.9 billion.

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