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Makfa case: Arrest for 100 trillion rubles

Makfa case: Arrest for 100 trillion rubles

Bailiffs have seized assets worth ₽100 trillion from the son-in-law of a former State Duma deputy in the "Macfe" case. The amount exceeds the entire money supply by 3 times and puts him above all the richest individuals, including Bernard Arnault. Also, the seizure of shares in companies associated with "Macfe" has been requested.

1 April 2024 1 April 2024

Bailiffs decided to seize ₽100 trillion from the son-in-law of a former State Duma deputy in the Makfa case. This amount significantly exceeds the fortune of the richest person on the planet.

The amount of seized property exceeds the entire monetary supply in circulation in rubles - according to the Central Bank, as of March 1 it amounts to 99.4 trillion rubles, which is three times more than the expected revenues of the Russian budget for 2024.

Such a holder of the sum (approximately $1 trillion) would become the richest person on Earth by a wide margin over current leader Bernard Arnault with $231 billion.

The Prosecutor General's Office requested the court to seize shares of companies associated with McFoy in the middle of last week, on March 28. These enterprises, including Agromacfa, Smaka, First Bread Factory, Chelyabinskoblgaz, New Five-Year Plan, Dolgovskaya, Ural-Media and others, are suspected of corruption due to the activities of their beneficiaries Belousov and Yurevich, who were engaged in business in parallel with work in government bodies and violated anti-corruption legislation.

Yurevich was a State Duma deputy from 200 to 2005, then headed Chelyabinsk until 201, and then the Chelyabinsk region until 2014. Belousov was a deputy of three convocations of the State Duma from 2011 to 2023.

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