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Hydrometeorological Centre warns that the lack of precipitation threatens the winter crops harvest in the Central Chernozem region of Russia.
Winter crops

Hydrometeorological Centre warns that the lack of precipitation threatens the winter crops harvest in the Central Chernozem region of Russia.

In the regions of the Central-Black Earth zone, a lack of precipitation is expected, which will have a negative impact on winter crops. Precipitation in these regions has been insignificant, insufficient to compensate for the lack of moisture. The forecast does not yet predict significant rainfall, causing concern among specialists.

12 October 2024 12 October 2024

In the near future, significant rainfall is not expected in the Central Black Earth region, which may have a negative impact on winter crops due to the ongoing moisture deficit. This information was provided by the scientific director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand.

"In Central Non-Black Earth region, rain has already fallen. And it was quite good, around 35 mm. It cannot be said that they completely compensate for the deficit, but they allowed to replenish the soil with air-moisture reserves. In the Central Black Earth regions, unfortunately, rainfall was very insignificant. Yesterday, 10-15 mm fell - but this is not enough. The moisture supply has been replenished, but the deficit is still felt," Vilfand told Interfax.

He reminded that practically no rainfall was recorded in the Central Black Earth region in September. According to meteorologists, significant rainfall is also not expected until Monday.

"However, abundant rainfall is necessary here. In general, in the Central Federal District, light rainfall is expected on October 12 and 13, it will be a small rain," Vilfand added.

A similar situation is observed, according to him, in the Volga Federal District, where a small amount of rain also fell. "And these insufficient rains are not able to satisfy the moisture needs," Vilfand said.

The scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center emphasized that "it is very important that the recent rainfall creates the necessary conditions for the growth and development of plants."

"The seeds are planted, but they must germinate. This will be visible in 5-7 days," he clarified.

Speaking about the upcoming winter and the influence of snow cover on the situation with winter crops, Vilfand noted that "it is currently difficult to predict whether this winter will be snowy." It is important when the snow falls - before the onset of frosts or after.

"It is very important that snow falls. If the snow falls and then frost comes, it will be a normal situation. Because then, when the snow melts in spring, there will be a normal recharge of moisture in the soil. If there is no snow and the ground freezes, and then snow falls on the frozen ground, when the snow melts, it will flow away without penetrating the soil," Vilfand explained.

Speaking about precipitation in the capital region and neighboring areas, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center noted that the situation with them is "not bad."

"In Moscow, 44 mm of precipitation has already fallen, and the norm is 70 mm. This is almost 60%. In the region, there is even more rainfall. There are areas in the Moscow region where rainfall has already reached the norm. In neighboring regions, in Bryansk, Vladimir, and other regions, the situation is acceptable. However, in the Central Federal District, in the Central Black Earth region, the situation is much more challenging," he pointed out.


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