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News company - Cereals, Oilseeds

Current information on the topic News company - Cereals, Oilseeds

Harvest news from Kazakhstan: sunflower crops are ready for harvesting, cotton and soybeans continue to ripen. `
Challenges with the harvest: small sunflower seeds and low quality pose challenges for processors in Bulgaria. `
The rise in the cost of sunflower and soybean seeds in Kazakhstan is due to increased demand for oilseeds, according to analysts. `
Egypt purchases soybean and sunflower oil from international companies through the GASC tender with immediate payment and delivery in 2025. `
GASC is preparing for an International Tender for the Purchase of Vegetable Oil worth $10 million. `
Drought in Turkey will lead to a historical decrease in sunflower production, with an increased forecast for imports. `
Russian rapeseed meal was exported to China: 103 tons meet the standards developed. `
Экспорт масличных культур из Казахстана в Центральную Азию резко увеличился: успешная торговля подсолнечным маслом и высокобелковыми кормами. `
Company 'Miratorg' launches a project to breed horses for managing a herd of beef cattle in the Bryansk region. `
"Crop in the Krasnoyarsk region: 1.732 million tons of grain have been harvested, the harvesting campaign continues in emergency conditions." `
Snowfall and drought in Transbaikalia: Emergency situation declared due to damage to crops, traffic on the roads is difficult. `
"White Gold of Russia: Rice Harvested Without Pesticides and Harmful Substances" `
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