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Corn harvest continues to be slow in France
agricultural products

Corn harvest continues to be slow in France

According to FranceAgriMer, only 27% of the planned areas for corn have been harvested in France, which is lower than last year (64%) and the five-year average (34%). The condition of cereal crops has slightly improved, with the proportion of grain in good and excellent condition rising to 83%. Farmers have also begun sowing winter crops for next year's harvest - 2% of wheat and 5% of barley.

11 October 2023 11 October 2023

According to monitoring data from FranceAgriMer, in France, as of October 2, corn was threshed on 27% of the planned area (+15% per week), which is inferior to both the result of last year (64%) and the average level of the last 5 years (34%) .

At the same time, the condition of grain crops improved slightly over the week and their share in good and excellent condition increased to 83% (+1%). At the beginning of October last year, this figure was 42%.

Also, French farmers began sowing winter crops for harvest next year - as of October 1, 2% of the planned area was sown with winter soft wheat (2% - a year earlier; 4% - over the last 5 years), winter barley - 5 (8; 7)%.

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