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In the Rostov region, the pea harvest began to break records
agricultural products

In the Rostov region, the pea harvest began to break records

The pea harvest in the Rostov region is breaking records, despite the unpredictable weather.

9 August 2023 9 August 2023

The pea harvest in the Rostov region is breaking records, and this despite the vagaries of the weather. There are already more than 470 thousand tons of legumes in the agricultural piggy bank of the region. Farmers are finishing harvesting and preparing products for sale.

Exhausting heat at 40 degrees, strong wind, dust. Under such conditions, agricultural producers from the Krasnosulinsky district had to complete the harvesting of one of the most common crops on the Don - peas. Weather conditions - the March snowfall - caused the late dates of both sowing and harvesting. Among the harvesting equipment we see domestic machines, the farmers admit that the harvesters are reliable and proven in operation.

“We cooperate with Rossselkhoztsentr at the entire stage of crop cultivation. Seeds are being tested, as well as further documentation of the future harvest, ”says Dmitry Alshenko, director of the agricultural company.

And after harvesting, the agricultural company will prepare the soil for winter sowing. After all, peas as an agricultural crop are a good predecessor for wintering. The villagers of the Krasnosulinsky district studied the market well. The harvest is planned to be sold in the autumn.

Buyers of Don peas are enterprises of the Rostov Region, as well as neighbors - the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. The villagers of the farm do not hide the fact that they managed to make a significant contribution to the general Don piggy bank of the harvested leguminous crops. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Rostov Region, more than 472,000 tons of peas have already been harvested this year.

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