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Putin has established a National Center for Genetic Resources of Agricultural Animals for the scientific development of the country by signing the relevant decree.
agricultural products

Putin has established a National Center for Genetic Resources of Agricultural Animals for the scientific development of the country by signing the relevant decree.

President Putin has signed a decree on the establishment of the National Center for Genetic Resources of Agricultural Animals based on the Federal Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academician L.K. Ernst. The center will develop methods for preserving genetic samples, collaborate with foreign partners, and form an interdepartmental commission.

21 March 2024 21 March 2024

Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has made important changes by signing a decree on the establishment of a national center for genetic resources of agricultural animals. This step was taken in order to promote the scientific and technological development of the country and address issues related to the development of genetic technologies.

The new center will be based on the Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after academician L.K. Ernst. The coordination of the center's work will be undertaken by an interdepartmental commission responsible for the formation, preservation, and utilization of collections of genetic resources of agricultural animals.

The funding for the establishment and operation of the center will come from the federal budget and other sources. The Russian government has been tasked with identifying the necessary financial resources and developing a program for the center's development.

The main tasks and functions of the new center include forming and supplementing the national catalog of unique samples of genetic resources of agricultural animals, developing methods for obtaining and preserving such samples using state-of-the-art technologies, as well as identifying and selecting new valuable samples of genetic resources of agricultural animals.

In addition, the new center will actively promote international cooperation, taking into account Russia's interests in scientific and technological development and food security.

Putin has also instructed the creation of a special interdepartmental commission. This commission will prepare and submit proposals on the formation, preservation, and use of collections of genetic samples of agricultural animals, preventing the illegal circulation of unique samples, developing scientific schools in the field of breeding and genetics, as well as expanding the network of cryobanks for storing genetic resources of agricultural animals.

The commission will consist of 18 members, including representatives of federal authorities, institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Kurchatov Institute, as well as leading specialists and scientists in the field of genetic resources of agricultural animals. It is important to note that the commission members will carry out their activities on a voluntary basis.

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