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Almost all barley was harvested in the Amur region
Winter crops
agricultural products

Almost all barley was harvested in the Amur region

In the region, 82.6% of early grain crops were harvested from an area of 135.3 thousand hectares, with a gross yield of 393.4 thousand tons and a yield of 29.1 c/ha.

6 September 2023 6 September 2023

The region continues to harvest early grain crops: out of 162.2 thousand hectares, 135.3 or 82.6% have already been harvested. The gross harvest amounted to 393.4 thousand tons with an average yield of 29.1 centners per hectare.

The leaders in terms of productivity are Bureya, Tambov, Zavitinsky, Ivanovsky, Romny districts, Svobodnensky, Oktyabrsky, Mikhailovsky districts, the regional Ministry of Agriculture reports. To date, farmers have completed work on barley - less than 1% of the area remains. Wheat harvested by 80%, oats - by 59.3%.

Vegetables are also being harvested in five districts of the region. Their gross harvest from an area of 44 hectares amounted to 817 tons. Potatoes are harvested in the Blagoveshchensk, Tambov and Romny districts: 1331 tons with a yield of 170 centners per hectare.

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