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Frosts and drought: the Russian agricultural sector will have to replant crops on 500,000 hectares due to unfavorable weather conditions.
Winter crops

Frosts and drought: the Russian agricultural sector will have to replant crops on 500,000 hectares due to unfavorable weather conditions.

Due to the frosts in Russia, it will be necessary to replant agricultural crops on 500,000 hectares. Oksana Lut, a candidate for the Minister of Agriculture, promises control and possible funding for the replanting.

Also, a threat of drought in the south has been noted.

14 May 2024 14 May 2024

In the current year, due to frosts, the agricultural sector of the Russian Federation will have to replant agricultural crops on an area of 500 thousand hectares, announced Oksana Lut, a candidate for the Minister of Agriculture, at a meeting of the State Duma.

"We currently have three regions that have introduced a regional state of emergency due to frosts, about 500 thousand hectares have turned out to be unsuitable for use. These are only preliminary data, but still we will have to replant on 500 thousand hectares," she said.

"We have seeds. Limits on sowing, including upcoming replanting, are quite sufficient. We will monitor the situation. If there is a shortage, we will find opportunities to finance those who need it," she emphasized.

In addition to the frosts, the situation is complicated by the fact that "in the south we are approaching a drought," Lut noted. "If it doesn't rain now, we might declare a drought," she added.

She also drew attention to the work of insurance companies in connection with adverse weather conditions. "Let me also mention insurance companies. This is an issue that constantly worries our agricultural producers," said Lut. "At the moment, we will closely monitor the actions of insurance companies in these cases, especially in emergencies, so that all honest policyholders receive the necessary compensation within 10 days."

As reported earlier, a state of emergency due to frosts was introduced in the Tambov, Lipetsk, and Voronezh regions, as well as in 32 districts of the Volgograd region.

The sown area of agricultural crops in the current year is 84.5 million hectares, which is 300 thousand hectares more than last year. Winter crops occupy 20 million hectares, of which 95% are considered to be in good condition according to the assessment of the Ministry of Agriculture.

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