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"Corn is growing, wheat is falling: a review of grain quotes on June 24, 2022"
Winter crops

"Corn is growing, wheat is falling: a review of grain quotes on June 24, 2022"

Grain quotes on exchanges:

Corn on CBOT - 750.25 ¢/bsh (+3.50 ¢/bsh),

Soft wheat on CBOT - 923.75 ¢/bsh (-13.50 ¢/bsh),

Hard wheat on KCBT - 992.50 ¢/bsh (-12.50 ¢/bsh),

Hard wheat on MGE - 1070.75 ¢/bsh (-9.75 ¢/bsh),

Oats on CBOT - 597.00 ¢/bsh (-1.25 ¢/bsh),

Rough rice on CBOT - 16.06 usd/cwt (-0.06 usd/cwt).

12 October 2024 12 October 2024

Quotes for June 24, 2022:

  • Corn prices on the CBOT Exchange (Chicago) rose from the previous session by 3.50 ¢/bsh (0.47%) to 750.25 ¢/bsh (previous session - 746.75 ¢/bsh)
  • Prices for Soft Red Winter Wheat (SRW) on the CBOT Exchange (Chicago) decreased from the previous session by 13.50 ¢/bsh (1.44%) to 923.75 ¢/bsh (previous session - 937.25 ¢/bsh)
  • Prices for Hard Red Winter Wheat (HRW) on the KCBT Exchange (Kansas) decreased from the previous session by 12.50 ¢/bsh (1.24%) to 992.50 ¢/bsh (previous session - 1005.00 ¢/bsh)
  • Prices for Hard Red Spring Wheat (HRS) on the MGE Exchange (Minneapolis) decreased from the previous session by 9.75 ¢/bsh (0.90%) to 1070.75 ¢/bsh (previous session - 1080.50 ¢/bsh)
  • Oat prices on the CBOT Exchange (Chicago) decreased from the previous session by 1.25 ¢/bsh (0.21%) to 597.00 ¢/bsh (previous session - 598.25 ¢/bsh)
  • Rough rice prices (CBOT) decreased from the previous session by 0.06 usd/cwt (0.37%) to 16.06 usd/cwt (previous session - 16.12 usd/cwt)

Grain exchange quotes for June 24, 2022

Commodity Month Date Open High Low Close Change Volume Open Interest Change
Corn (CBOT) July 2022 220624 745.00 762.25 735.00 750.25 +3.50 167778 228635 -39717
Wheat (CBOT) July 2022 220624 936.25 962.50 921.75 923.75 -13.50 3505 41444 -3352
Wheat (KCBT) July 2022 220624 1005.25 1022.00 991.75 992.50 -12.50 16619 23796 -3502
Wheat (MGE) July 2022 220624 1076.00 1092.25 1067.75 1070.75 -9.75 5117 12073 -2834
Oats (CBOT) July 2022 220624 598.00 608.00 590.00 597.00 -1.25 383 689 -203
Rough Rice (CBOT) July 2022 220624 16.08 16.13 16.01 16.06 -0.06 690 1696 -430

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