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Of the 10.5 million tons of Kazakhstani wheat threshed, more than 50% is refracted – Union of Field Growers
agricultural products

Of the 10.5 million tons of Kazakhstani wheat threshed, more than 50% is refracted – Union of Field Growers

Kazakhstan is experiencing problems with the quality of wheat.

24 October 2023 24 October 2023

Of the 10.5 million tons of wheat collected in Kazakhstan, about 5.5 million tons are refrigerated grains, that is, grain that is unsuitable even for fodder. This was stated by the head of the Union of Field Growers, Viktor Aslanov, referring to the results of the autumn survey of farmers.

“All our fears were confirmed about the current year’s harvest... Of the harvest of 10.5 million tons of wheat, 5.5 million tons... we put it as a refection. This is not fodder, but a replication,” he emphasized.

The worst situation with grain quality, according to him, is in the Kostanay region, where the epicenter of precipitation was located and up to 90% of the wheat sprouted. In East Kazakhstan region and Karaganda region, on the contrary, crops burned due to drought. The situation is slightly better in North Kazakhstan and the Akmola region, however, as APK-Inform previously reported, a sharp decline in yield and gross harvest was also recorded there.

V. Aslanov noted that farmers are faced with a huge problem when elevators do not accept such grain.

“Objectively, no one wants to risk it; even a small batch of such grain can begin to germinate and infect the entire jar in the granary,” explained the head of the Union of Field Growers.

He stated that even old-timers do not remember such a situation in the Kazakh agro-industrial complex; there is a real depression in the industry. At the same time, debates in the government regarding measures to support agricultural producers are gradually dying down.

“Depression in the agricultural sector against the backdrop of an unprecedented decline in grain quality. How will it end? The entire sector is waiting for a freeze in activity,” the expert predicts.

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