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More than 20 districts of the region started harvesting grain and leguminous crops
agricultural products

More than 20 districts of the region started harvesting grain and leguminous crops

Agricultural workers in Altai Krai are harvesting winter and spring cereals, as well as early-maturing legumes including peas and lentils. The total crop yield amounts to 15 thousand tons of grain from an area of 13.6 thousand hectares.

1 August 2023 1 August 2023

Now agrarians of the Altai Territory are harvesting winter grains, as well as spring grains and legumes of early ripening - peas, lentils.

According to operational data in the region, all types of crops have been mowed on an area of 13.6 thousand hectares, grain has been threshed from 9.8 thousand hectares. About 15 thousand tons of grain were received from this area.

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