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"Башкортостан привлекает китайские инвестиции в сельское хозяйство"
agricultural products

"Башкортостан привлекает китайские инвестиции в сельское хозяйство"

Republic of Bashkortostan is a key region with well-developed infrastructure. It provides unique conditions for investors, including tax exemptions and infrastructure support.

Chinese company Zhengzhou plans to invest $80-100 million in a joint venture in the agricultural sector.

16 May 2024 16 May 2024

At the intersection of major transportation routes, including waterways, railways, pipelines, and highways, lies the Republic of Bashkortostan. Ilshat Fazrakhmanov, a representative of the region, emphasized its importance and development in economic terms, as well as its potential in the fields of trade, economy, and agriculture.

Agricultural Ministry of the Republic of Bashkortostan

The Republic of Bashkortostan has created unique conditions for working with investors, including exemptions from property tax, investment tax deductions, and compensation for infrastructure expenses. Special attention is paid to implementing projects in territories with a special economic regime. Fazrakhmanov also noted that the region has a wide range of food products and a developed livestock industry.

Therefore, representatives of the Chinese company Zhengzhou, engaged in the import and export of agricultural products, will find it interesting to establish a joint venture in Bashkortostan. The company's leader, Liu Wei, believes that the cooperation will be mutually beneficial and effective. The estimated value of the investment project ranges from 80 to 100 million dollars.

The visit of an official delegation from Bashkortostan to China, led by the head of the region, Radiy Khabirov, is scheduled from May 15 to 18 and includes numerous business events.

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