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Аномальные заморозки
Winter crops

Аномальные заморозки

Regional agricultural structures determine the damage from frosts, the fields will be resown. The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia provides the necessary resources. A state of emergency has been declared in several regions of the Central Federal District due to frosts. The upcoming days are expected to bring severe frosts and unfavorable weather conditions.

12 May 2024 12 May 2024

Regional agricultural management structures have begun to assess the scale of damage caused by frosts. The deceased farmlands will be replanted. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has announced that all necessary resources have been provided for this purpose. This information is reported by TASS, citing the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

"Regional agricultural management structures are collaborating with experts from the Federal State Budgetary Institution "RosSelkhozCenter" to determine the extent of the damage. A final assessment will be provided as the circumstances of the agricultural crop loss are clarified. Fields that have been left fallow will be replanted, and all necessary resources are already available for this purpose," the statement said.

The Ministry also noted that by May 8, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia received information about the introduction of a State of Emergency at the regional level in the Voronezh, Lipetsk, and Tambov regions due to recurrent frosts.

Earlier, information appeared on the websites of regional offices of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and local hydrometeorological centers about the predicted frosts from -1 to -6 degrees Celsius during the night hours of May 3 and 4 in several regions of the Central Federal District (CFD), including the Lipetsk, Kostroma, and Tambov regions.

Meteorologists also predict thunderstorms and wet snow from May 7 to 10 in several regions of the CFD, including the Voronezh, Kursk, Orel, Tambov, and Tula regions.

As of May 8, a state of emergency at the regional level was introduced in the Tambov region due to frosts leading to the loss of agricultural crops and damage to perennial plantings. The State of Emergency was also declared in the Lipetsk and Voronezh regions due to frosts.


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