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Why do I need a product code for foreign trade operations

Customs makes sure that nothing prohibited is brought into Russia, nothing valuable is taken out, and the entrepreneur or company transfers all customs payments. Here are a few examples of what customs officers monitor.

Weapons cannot be imported into Russia without special permission, and vegetables, fish and milk cannot be imported from some countries.

Cultural values cannot be exported from Russia: for example, the original painting “Unequal Marriage”.

In order for the customs officer to understand what exactly the business is transporting across the border, they came up with a commodity nomenclature for foreign economic activity - TN VED. This is a list in which each product is assigned a code: for example, a silk tie is coded 6215 10 000 0, and wool trousers are coded 6203 41 100 0.

In Russia, they use the commodity nomenclature of the EAEU - the Eurasian Economic Union. It includes Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. On the territory of these countries, the rules for import and export are common.

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