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Winter crops

Current information on the topic Winter crops on

Russian grain is aimed for export to the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, with minimal losses from Turkey's refusal. `
Russian Prime Minister Mishustin plans to increase grain exports to China: news on the development of the agro-industrial complex in the Russian Far East. `
Senator Suleyman Kerimov is interested in the privatization of the Makhachkala seaport for its development - news from the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). `
Ukraine and Croatia have agreed on access to ports for grain exports: a historic agreement for food security. `
Остатки муки в России увеличились на 39,90% к 2024 году: Росстат. `
The Moscow Exchange has set a record trading volume for wheat futures, attracting active participation from investors. `
Farmers in the Rostov region have exceeded the plans for sowing cereals by 620,000 hectares, despite the lack of rainfall. `
The United Nations and the African Export-Import Bank are developing a new platform for exporting Russian products to Africa. `
Russia is approaching its goal: not less than 30% of the harvest should be insured, stated Patrushev. `
Grain prices have fallen on exchanges: corn, wheat, oats are declining, only rough rice prices are rising. Overview for 30.05.24. `
Volgograd region will increase the area of the second sowing after the loss of crops due to frosts by 190.7 thousand hectares. `
Россия готова бесплатно поставить зерно в Африку в случае окончания "зерновой сделки" в Москве `
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