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Latest Sugar News

Current information on the topic Latest Sugar News on

Prices for sugar continue to decline due to increased production in Brazil. `
Trading at the National Commodity Exchange: 760 tons of white sugar were sold at a price of 60,964 rubles per ton. `
Food prices: a decrease in prices for vegetable oils, an increase in the price of sugar is caused by global trends. `
Egypt is building the world's largest sugar factory for $1 billion. `
Brazilian sugar producers are shifting to ethanol production due to the energy crisis. `
Delays in sugar delivery are causing concern among traders on the New York Stock Exchange, with Wilmar in the spotlight. `
Продимекс произвел более 1,4 млн тонн сахара за сезон, 800 тыс тонн в Воронежской области, в том числе 100 тыс тонн Экстра. `
The authorities of Serbia have approved a restriction on the price of sugar in retail stores for all packages. `
В Пригороде Пензы вводят штрафы за нарушение севооборота, фермеры будут наказаны за монокультуру на полях `
Гибкость и сотрудничество: как работает сахарный рынок в США `
The European Parliament demands a review of the trade deal with India due to excessive subsidies on sugar, which have led to anti-competitive behavior. `
Министерство торговли в Сербии установило ограничения на цены на муку, мясо и молочные продукты до конца августа `
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