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Rosstat revised grain harvest for 2022 upwards

Rosstat revised grain harvest for 2022 upwards

Grain harvest in Russia in 2022 amounted to 153.83 million tons, which is 26.7% higher than the previous year. Rye, winter and spring barley harvests also increased. Corn collection decreased, but soybean collection increased.

18 January 2023 18 January 2023

Now the department estimates it at 153.83 million tons.

The grain harvest in Russia in 2022 amounted to 153.83 million tons in weight after completion, which is 26.7% higher compared to the previous year, follows from updated data from Rosstat.

Including wheat, according to a new estimate, 104.44 million tons were harvested in net weight - 73.999 million tons of winter and 30.446 million tons of spring.

December estimates from Rosstat were lower: 150.985 million tons of grain, including 102.651 million tons of wheat in net weight. And the expectations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation were even lower - 150 million tons of grain and 100 million tons of wheat.

The grain harvest broke the record of 2017, when 135.54 million tons of grain were harvested, including 86 million tons of wheat. At the same time, the final data on the 2022 harvest will be available only at the end of March.

According to Rosstat, the harvest has grown

  • rye — up to 2.2 million tons from 1.7 million tons in 2021,
  • winter barley - up to 3.2 million tons from 2.9 million tons,
  • spring - up to 20.3 million tons from 15.1 million tons, respectively.

At the same time, the harvest of corn decreased to 11.8 million tons from 15.2 million tons. Also collected in 2022

  • oats - 4.56 million tons against 3.78 million tons in 2021,
  • rice - 797.5 thousand tons against 1.076 million tons,
  • buckwheat - 1.2 million tons against 919.1 thousand tons,
  • millet - 3.1 million tons against 3.7 million tons.

Sunflower harvest decreased to 14.5 million tons from 15.7 million tons a year earlier, soybean harvest increased to 5.8 million tons from 4.8 million tons, respectively. Winter rapeseed was harvested 1.6 million tons against 729.7 thousand tons in 2021, spring rapeseed - 2.9 million tons against 2.06 million tons.
41.7 million tons of sugar beet (41.2 million tons in 2021), potatoes - 18.7 million tons (17.9 million tons), including 4.3 million tons (4.1 million tons). 13.02 million tons of vegetables were harvested against 13.03 million tons a year ago.

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