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Export quota to be doubled, Ministry of Agriculture says

Export quota to be doubled, Ministry of Agriculture says

Minister of Agriculture, Dmitry Patrushev, has announced an increase in the export volume of grain. This year, the allowable quotas will increase to 25 million tons for all exported crops, and 500,000 tons for products from the Far East. This will help ensure price stability for food and increase the export of grain thanks to the expected record harvest in 2022.

5 November 2022 5 November 2022

After the last meeting of the headquarters, the Minister of Agriculture, Dmitry Patrushev, told reporters about increasing the amount of grain allowed for export.

“About 25 million tons for all exported crops, and 500 thousand tons for products from the Far East” - this is the allowable amount stated in the proposal of the operational headquarters. Such export quotas are usually provided for in the second half of the agricultural season. In 2021, the quota was 11 million tons.

Such actions should guarantee the stability of food prices. Since if we allow the growth of grain prices, the entire consumer basket of a Russian will rise in price. But since a record harvest is expected in 2022, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, this is a great opportunity to increase grain exports.

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