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There is every chance that wheat exports will be increased compared to the previous year

There is every chance that wheat exports will be increased compared to the previous year

According to the "Sovekon" portal, in October, Russia exported 4.4 million tons of wheat, which is more than in the same period last year. However, the volume of shipments is now decreasing due to the reduced solvency of some countries and the increase in purchases of Ukrainian wheat by Turkey. Negative forecasts and political conflicts also affect the market. Wheat prices have increased both in the domestic and international markets.

24 November 2022 24 November 2022

According to the online publication on agricultural markets - Sovecon, according to the results of October, the Russian Federation exports about 4.4 million tons of wheat, which for the first time in a season exceeds the export volume for the same period in 2021.
But in the export market, a reduction in the volume of deliveries is now brewing, due to a decrease in the solvency of such countries as Pakistan and Egypt, as well as an increase in Turkey's purchases of grain from Ukraine.
As mentioned earlier, October is the first month in which Russian exports will reach the level of 2021.
There are many factors that influenced the decline in export deliveries. These are, of course, the negative predictions of the United States and the European Union, a special operation in Ukraine, followed by the market. At the same time, France delivered its wheat at a record pace already at the beginning of the season.
Today, the price per ton of wheat in seaports has increased from 13.7 to 14.4 thousand rubles per ton. And the cost in the domestic market increased from 12.25 to 12.9 thousand rubles. per ton.
Such data is provided by analysts of the Sovecon portal.
Again, it is worth noting that the market players themselves are not very positive in their export forecasts for this year. They believe that the year may turn out to be a complete failure due to low demand.
Also, exporters pay attention to the problem with the chartering of ships, with payments, and preparation of documentation. All this was influenced by the beginning of a special operation in Ukraine, then new sanctions from the West.

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