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Export of sugar from the Tambov region has increased by 2.4 times in the first five months of 2024.
The construction of the largest plant worth millions of dollars has been completed.
agricultural products

Export of sugar from the Tambov region has increased by 2.4 times in the first five months of 2024. The construction of the largest plant worth millions of dollars has been completed.

In the first five months of 2024, Tambov Region increased its sugar product exports by 2.4 times to $55.2 million. The region is a leader in sugar production in the Central Federal District and ranks fourth in Russia.

A sugar plant in Kirsanov with a value of $268 million is being built, which will create 800 new jobs.

1 July 2024 1 July 2024

In the first five months of 2024, the Tambov region achieved sugar export amounting to 55.2 million dollars, which is 2.4 times higher than the previous year, as reported by the "Novy Vek" news outlet. The main buyers are Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and China.

The Tambov region is among the top three leaders in the Central Federal District in terms of sugar production volumes and ranks fourth in Russia. The region has five large production plants capable of processing up to 31 thousand tons of sugar beets per day. 

The construction of the Kirsanov plant is currently being completed, with a capacity of 20 thousand tons per day and a cost of 23 billion rubles (approximately 268 million dollars). This new facility will create 800 jobs. The Kirsanov plant will become one of the largest in Europe and Asia.

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