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to the harvest


Processing of agricultural crops using ultra-low-volume spraying technology


Drone spraying is effective


We understand the need to improve the efficiency of large-scale industrial farming and the sustainable productivity of small-scale farming. We are introducing the world's most modern solution for precision farming: high-precision mapping, diagnostics of your agricultural land, application of plant protection products using UAVs.

Day and night

The drone is equipped with sensors that allow automatic processing even at night


Low application rate and high concentration allows you to see the first results the next day


Spray flows are directed clearly downwards under the power of the motors and do not blow up into neighboring areas
Wide application in various fields

Multifunctional system


The use of drones allows you to assess the condition of fields and crops without the involvement of special vehicles. The drone flies over large areas in a short time and transmits data to the operator in real time.

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Planting seeds

Drones are equipped with a special design for carrying and dropping cargo. There are models on the market that can lift several tens of kilograms at a time. Doing similar work manually takes longer.

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Spraying plants

Spraying the crop using standard methods, even with the help of special equipment, takes quite a lot of time. Agrodrones cope with this task more effectively both in the case of large fields and when working in small areas.

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Introduction of Trichogramma

Spraying the crop using standard methods, even with the help of special equipment, takes quite a lot of time. Agrodrones cope with this task more effectively both in the case of large fields and when working in small areas.

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Fertilizer Spraying

Agrodrones are used to apply both conventional fertilizers and microfertilizers. The devices spray them evenly on the field, regardless of the size of the area and the type of fertilizer used.

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Watering plants

The large capacity of the tanks allows agricultural drones not only to apply chemical compounds, but also to carry out remote watering.

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Completely ready-to-use systems

Low volume spraying

The application of plant protection products (PPPs) using drones is more accurate compared to traditional application methods, allows for field treatment at development stages when access by ground sprayers is not possible, and also allows for targeted treatment of disease foci.

Does not trample crops

Does not require tramlines when spraying and provides a 4-6% higher harvest yield

Works on any soil

We don’t wait for sunny weather, work in any weather where self-propelled equipment cannot pass

Drones in agriculture


Drones can also be used to monitor the health of fields and crops, allowing operators to quickly respond to any problems and take appropriate action.

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Drones have the ability to pre-program their flight and precisely spray chemicals, minimizing wastage and improving processing accuracy.

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Using a drone to spray fields reduces the consumption of chemicals, fuel and time, which ultimately reduces operating costs.

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