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agricultural products, Oilseeds

Current information on the topic agricultural products, Oilseeds on

Scientists are developing an antibacterial balm based on wormwood for skin care. `
Future plans: Yaroslavl region plans to become the leading producer of flowers in Russia by 2028. `
GK 'Tavros' and AO 'Alfa-Bank' are collaborating to establish a large-scale egg production facility in the Nizhny Novgorod region. `
Scientists' discovery: The genome of the tetragonal cissus reveals secrets of drought resistance and photosynthesis mechanisms. `
Turkey has banned wheat imports due to having sufficient reserves and plans for flour production, which will affect Russian exports. `
"Techmashholding" is expanding the production of agricultural machinery for hop farming in Chuvashia. `
Биоэкономика: Минсельхоз РФ сфокусируется на развитии сельского хозяйства с использованием биотехнологий и устойчивом подходе. `
"Russia is increasing meat production: huge investments and new projects at the government forum." `
Research: Virus on feed and insects - how long it persists and spreads. `
Турнир ветеринарных врачей-копытчиков: призовой фонд один миллион рублей! `
Победитель выставки племенных животных получит автомобиль «Нива» от губернатора Забайкальского края `
Supplies of potatoes from Egypt to Russia have been reduced, prices are rising, but stabilization is expected thanks to domestic potatoes. `
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