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The rate has been reduced to 10%: the state of Kyrgyzstan announced its latest project on financing agriculture in 2024. `
Supply problems of grain due to slow inspections of ships between Turkey and Ukraine are causing concern in the market. `
Decrease in grain yield, but increase in corn. `
The president of AKKOR calls for the abolition of the export duty on grain to preserve the profitability of agriculture. `
Cuba is interested in concluding deals for the supply of grain from the Rostov region, including wheat, corn, and oil. `
The growing demand for food products: China will maintain its leadership in importing soybeans and grains. `
Russian grain exports continue to grow despite quotas: 1.87 million tons were shipped in 10 days, with corn increasing by 20.7% `
World wheat prices are falling, Russian indicative prices are rising, and the volume of grain transportation by rail is increasing. `
Prices on the global grain markets are fluctuating: wheat is rising, corn is falling. `
Zimbabwe is ready to cooperate with Russia in agriculture, said the First Vice President Constantino Chiwenga at a forum in Kazan. `
Grain processing at the Novorossiysk bread production plant increased by 38% for the current season. `
Grain prices on exchanges: corn and wheat fell, while oats and rice rose. Overview for February 23, 2024. `
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