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Applications and statistics in Telegram

Applications and statistics in Telegram

Telegram is one of the largest messaging services. It has a feature called bots, which allows performing actions within the application.

9 May 2023 9 May 2023

Telegram is one of the largest messaging services. One of the leading features of Telegram are bots, tools that allow you to perform various actions without leaving the application.

We are sure that many of your clients already use Telegram on a daily basis and this integration will become even more convenient for them. We have made every effort to make the Telegram bot a simple and functional tool for monitoring applications.

Our team consists of highly qualified specialists, which allows us to develop popular industry solutions and implement complex projects of any complexity. We use the best practices of interaction with our clients, as well as constantly increasing our project and industry competencies.

We decided to send you weekly reports about your applications via Telegram-bot. You can find out the statistics of views, responses, how many times your application has been added to favorites. Each application has its own identification number, so you will not get confused in the reports, the statistics for each application will be clear and precise.

We also want to note one more convenience of using our Telegram bot - this is that from the received message with statistics you can go to the site immediately to the required application and edit it based on the received statistics. Thus, promptly respond to the current situation in terms of responses and views.

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