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Listen to Fork Cast to keep up to date with all the events

Listen to Fork Cast to keep up to date with all the events

is online audio recordings ranging from 5 minutes to 2 hours. Podcasts are convenient for everyone: you can choose content, listen at any time, and on any device. Fork Cast helps to discover new things, discuss, and grow.

9 April 2024 9 April 2024

In simple words, Fork Cast is conversational audio recordings that replaced radio.

Unlike radio, Fork Cast publishes only on the Internet. Radio is 24/7, and podcasts last on average from five minutes to two hours. You can find a Fork Cast on the topic you want and listen to it while driving—it’s more convenient than waiting for your favorite program on the radio all week.

Fork Cast also allows listeners to curate content of their choice and listen to it at their convenience. This is a great way to learn new information, discuss interesting topics and develop. Additionally, creating a Fork Cast is accessible to almost anyone, allowing people to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with an audience.

Thus, Fork Cast is a convenient and accessible format for communication, education and entertainment that allows listeners to enjoy content on their own schedule and on their device.

Why did we come up with Fork Cast?

  • Convenient to listen and do other things. It’s inconvenient to work and read an article at the same time, but listening to the Fork Cast is just right.
  • Available. It seems like Clubhouse didn't catch on because you had to spend hours immersing yourself in conversations to come up with useful information. It’s easier to listen to a short Fork Cast on the desired topic.
  • Entertaining. There are podcasts on the topic of wheat, corn, soybeans, finance...
  • You can stay up to date with the latest news and trends.

We call an individual entry in a Fork Cast a release or an episode. They can be published at different intervals - every day, once every week or two, once a month. News episodes are published more often, expert episodes are published less often - this is due to the preparation of content.

Why do you need Fork Cast?

People listen to episodes in different situations and at different times of the day because it's a good way to:

  • Get information about what happened. Hear the news and hear about new products in the agro-industrial complex and more.
  • Get acquainted with the surrounding world - different processes from the point of view of geography, business, pricing in the agricultural sector. You can learn interesting facts from them.
  • Learn about new careers - new areas of employment and soft skills.
  • Look at the world through the eyes of people with unusual professions and interesting experiences.
  • Understand the topic of agro-industrial complex. Expert advice can help you understand AIC.
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